Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Chloe Time Zone

We may live in the Central Time Zone, but all our watches are set to Chloe Standard Time. Last week (during Kelsie's wonderful FHE lesson), Chloe climbed onto my lap and whispered, "Mom, what does your watch say?" I glanced at the time and replied "10 minutes to 8:00." She grabbed my wrist, looked at my watch, and said "No. It says GET ME SOME CHOCOLATE MILK!"

The next day she ran up to Wally after he got home from work and asked him, "Daddy, what does your watch say?" He told her "It says it's time for Chloe to give me a big hug and a kiss." (Which she did.) She then added "Mom's watch always says it's time to go to bed."