Friday, November 7, 2008

Lost In Translation

Chloe is a girl with a lot to say. The only problem is I understand less than 1 percent of what she tells me. Today was no different. As I stood in the kitchen doing dishes, she came trotting in holding Jackson's Build-A-Bear puppy. She started rattling off something about the puppy. I smiled and nodded and said things like "oh, really?" and "okay." Pleased with the outcome of our conversation, Chloe went off on her merry way. A few minutes later, I realized EXACTLY what she had been telling me as she handed me a sopping wet puppy. It seems that Jackson's puppy needed to go potty. As I cleaned up the puddle of toilet water from the bathroom floor and the trail that spanned the carpet of two rooms, I couldn't be mad. After all, I was the one who agreed and gave her permission!


Claudia said...

I am actually laughing out loud - mostly because I, too, have politely smiled, nodded, and given permission for who knows what. Hope it wasn't "and I want to get a Harley when I turn 16"...

Janelle and Daniel Champion said...

I'm so excited to see her now! She sounds just as crazy as your other kids and that makes me love her even more!

Sarah said...

That is hilarious! I believe my son is just younger than Chloe so I suppose this is a good warning for me.

Jeannie said...

Kids are so funny. What a great memory to have. Ethan's new trick is to sneak into the bathroom after the kids have left the door open and climb from the tub to the toilet and up the vanity. He then sits in the sink and turns on the water. Then he wonders why he is wet. Eesh!