Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Surprise and Disappointment

If I were to compile a list of adjectives that describe me, the words "fun" and "spontaneous" would not be in the top 10....or 50. I occasionally feel sorry for my kids, since I'm just not really a fun mom. (Unlike my friend Danielle who took her kids ice blocking at the storm drain--where else can you find a hill in Texas?--with bicycle helmets on for safety!) Big sigh....I can't live up to that, but in an effort to be fun, we decided to take the kids on a surprise trip to the Fort Worth Zoo. On the day before Thanksgiving (half price Wednesday!), Wally and I told the kids that we needed to run some errands. Of course they wanted to know where we were going and so I started making things up...ummmm, "we need to go to Costco and Target," I told them. Upon hearing "Target" their little eyes lit up. We all LOVE Target except Wally who reminds me that I am shopping the competition and putting him out of a job. They ran to their piggy banks and pulled out some money. "Sweet!" I thought, now they can buy themselves a souvenir! We piled into the mini-van and started driving. After passing two Costos, Kelsie began to get suspicious. "Where are we going?" she demanded. "Hang on, we're almost there" we reassured her. And then the "Are we there yets?" started. At this point Wally and I were both starting to get a little edgy. The "we're almost theres" were replaced with "JUST WATCH THE MOVIE!" Good thing we were truly almost there. We started following the exit signs for the Fort Worth Zoo and Kelsie excitedly exclaimed "Jackson, we're going to the zoo!"

We had a wonderful time! The weather was perfect, the crowds were small, and the Fort Worth zoo is an amazing place. In the future, we'll plan on packing a lunch. Something about eating a burger at the zoo makes me feel uncomfortable... At the end of our trip we took the kids into a souvenir shop. They browsed for a minute but decided they would save their money for....Target. That's where the disppointment came in. As I explained that we're not really going to Target, I broke their sweet little hearts. Next time I feel like trying to be fun, we'll go to the dollar spot at Target.


Claudia said...

I almost fell off my chair reading your burger comment.

We do love that zoo, though! - and where is there a storm drain big enough to ice block?

I tagged you on my blog - do you cave to blogging peer pressure?

Janelle and Daniel Champion said...

I too love target. I will take your kids to the dollar spot myself when you come back in the summer!

Janna said...

That is so FUNNY! Good Times and Great Memories! I think I will enjoy my Target shopping experiences even more knowing it is funner than the zoo!!

LoriT said...

Oh, I love this post! Every bit of it.

But I must disagree. You are such a fun mom. Just today, Vivi was playing w/ play dough, and, taking a handful of pale pink clay, she fondly reminisced that Sis. Wallace made it for her.