Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Be Careful What You Ask For

We're getting ready to head out on our annual trek westward. Last week as we sat around the table talking about our trip and what we need to do before we leave, I made one simple request. I asked my children that if they were going to get the flu, run a fever, catch a virus, or contract a childhood disease, now is the time to do it. (Last year when we went to Utah, Jackson came down with Fifths Disease. Then Chloe spent a week with the cha-cha-cha's. The year before Jackson ran a fever for five days. Oh yeah, and every year Jackson gets car sick in Spanish Fork canyon and...well, you know.) Now, I can't get my children to flush the toilet, but they were obedient to my request and promptly broke out in Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease. Chloe started it all last week and just as she was getting better, Jackson took a turn. Fun for all!

We feel like we've been quarantined to our house. We can't go play outside (too hot!) and so we watch a LOT of t.v., play the Wii, and drive each other crazy. But, if this means we can spend all of our vacation...well, vacationing, then bring it on! Fair warning--next week I need to do some shopping. If you see us in Target, run the other way!


Claudia said...

What obedient children you have! If you need to keep them away from strangers, they are welcome here.

Greg and Cindy said...

Can't wait to see you all! When you ask people to do things...they listen! Just like Owen came 3 weeks early like you told him too.