Monday, September 22, 2008

3 Down 1 To Go

You know how you just have a gut feeling after you take a test? Well, Wally's gut feeling after this last test was that there was no way, save divine intervention, that he could have passed that test. He moped around for two days before he finally came to grips with the reality that he just might have to retake it. For three weeks we dared not mention the words "CPA" or "test" fearing a relapse of the moping. Everytime someone would ask how his test went, I would cringe. I knew the results would be posted soon and I prepared for the worst.

And then, this morning, I got an ecstatic phone call from Wally. He passed! 75 is a passing score. Wally scored an 88. Yep. All that moping for nothing. Oh well, we'll take it!


Sherrie said...

Wally is a nerd so give him the bird!
Haha! Congrats Wally. You should see if Dad still pays for grades.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Claudia will tell you that I have never passed a test until the grades come in. I always expect the worst and am pleasantly surprised.