Thursday, January 29, 2009

Leave of Absence

By now, you both (meaning the two people who read my blog!) must be thinking "Wow, Evonne must have been really busy for the past few months!" Truth be told, I have been without an Internet connection, but now I am back in business!

Our modem suddenly died one Thursday afternoon. Wally, seeing an opportunity to upgrade, signed us up for AT&T Uverse. It turns out that Uverse is quite in demand right now and the soonest installation date was a good month and a half out. For a few weeks, I had to borrow my neighbor's wireless signal while sitting in my car in the driveway so I could check my e-mail. We asked everybody for an extra modem and finally found one which was great right up until the point where Windows Vista rejected the modem and refused to connect to the Internet.

But now, it's good to be back to blogging (and e-mailing and googling...)


Claudia said...

I've sure missed you! Glad you are back. Amazing how much technology is a part of our lives, though, isn't it? I think it says a lot that you would sit in your car in your driveway to check email!

Okay, let's see some pictures of those kids that have probably grown a foot by now!

Janna said...

So glad to see that your are back! Can't wait for all of the updates!

LoriT said...

Woo Hoo! I'm the THIRD person to comment, proving that you are far more popular that you give yourself credit for.

If I lost my Internet connection, my house would be immaculate, I'd have exercised all the "baby fat" off, I'd have tracked my family history back to Adam & Eve, . . .
AND I would have lost any sanity I have left. I'm impressed that you managed without such a necessity! (PLUS, you already have an immaculate house, you have no fat to spare, your family history is undoubtedly complete, and you're the sanest person I know. How DO you do it???)

Sarah said...

Yay Evonne is back! I'm looking forward to your many posts catching us up on your life. I'm not sure what I would do without the internet in my house - probably something constructive like LoriT. :>

Jaimee said...

Hey, look! I'm #5. Yea! I'm glad you're back to blogging! By the way, love the raisinet story too!!!

Denise said...

I was wondering what happened to you! Great to see you back. But, darn it, why Vista??

Tami said...

there are more people that check in on you than you realize. Being in Primary and socializing with 5 and 6 year olds makes me feel like I am losing touch with the Ward. I take every opportunity to see what the adult world is up to.