Sunday, November 15, 2009


Don't faint. I know this is the third posting this month. Soon life will be crazy and I will have to take a sabbatical again.

Last week marked the third anniversary of our arrival in Texas. It's amazing how fast the time has gone by and yet we still feel like newbies. Since we have been here, our family has grown by one (well two if you add the arrival of Wally's t.v.--we all spend plenty of quality time with Vizio). We have survived torrential rain, tornado warnings, summer heat, and ice storms. We have experienced loneliness, a few unexpected tragedies, and amazing growth. We have endured two road trips to Utah and have gained a greater sense of gratitude for the Pioneers. We have learned why we are told to "become as a little child" as we have watched our incredible kids grow and flourish. We have developed a deeper gratitude for our families. Oh yeah, and we have become Cowboys fans.

Since we have now been here for three years, here are three things we love about Texas:
  • Winter, Spring, and Fall
  • The people! We love our neighborhood, community, and ward.
  • The schools.

Three things that we could really do without:

  • All the creepy, crawly things (fireants, really big spiders, lizards)
  • Having to pay to drive on the roads
  • Year-round allergies

When we moved here, it was with the intent to stay for a couple of years and then go home. I never expected that this would become home, but as the years go by the roots go deeper. I still get homesick and miss my family, but I wouldn't trade this experience for anything.


Bellonfamily said...

That makes me want to come join you. We deeply miss our Kansas days, thanks for reminding me just how much...jk. I'm glad that you are loving life and that things are going well. We miss you and hope you don't let those roots completely forget where there started! :)

Janelle and Daniel Champion said...

I like Texas too but I dare you to come back. I heard a Billy Joel song and had to ask who was singing because I didn't recognize him at first. Come home. I'm falling apart without you!