Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Best Kind of Popular

Fourth grade has brought about some growing pains for Kelsie. While it has been fun and exciting, it has also had a few challenges. This year, Kelsie has had changes in friends and has had to decide what is really important in her young life. We've had many conversations about what it means to be popular versus what it means to be nice. Last week as we were driving home from volleyball practice, Kelsie was telling me about something that had happened at recess. An unkind statement was made to her and as I expressed my shock and sympathy she said, "It's okay, mom. I'm nice to everybody and when we have to get into groups in class, everybody wants to be my partner because I'm their friend. That's the best kind of popular." I'm so impressed with her maturity and the wisdom that far exceeds her age.


Janna said...

Kelsie has such a GREAT example to follow in her Mother! (You being one of the nicest people in the world!!) I think she is so right - being NICE is the best kind of popular!

Sherrie said...

I agree with Janna, you took the words right out of my mouth!

Natalie Walker said...

Kelsie is such a sweet girl. I know that all who know her love her. I am so excited that I'm getting to know her a little more through activity days.