Sunday, August 28, 2011

Praise to the Man

This year the kids are learning the hymn "Praise to the Man" in primary. On Monday morning, I was listening as Chloe belted out her version. The chorus started out like this:

Hail to the prophet, ascended to heaven
Traitors and fire-ants now fight him in vain

Now if you have ever been bitten by a fire ant, you would understand that a fire ant is almost as bad as a tyrant. A whole mound of fire ants might be worse...


Claudia said...

I think I may change the lyrics for this year's program....the fire ants are WAY worse than a tyrant.

Carrie said...

Hilarious! Fire ants are certainly one thing I don't miss about Texas. Danny has finally accepted the harmless black ants of the Northwest. He was afraid of them for quite some time. We sure miss you!

LoriT said...

But you left out the part about Chloe asking what a "tyrant" is. :)

This story still makes me chuckle. Thanks for recording it for posterity.

Janelle and Daniel Champion said...

Please let my baby be a girl. Chloe is killing me!