Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Semi-Annual Update

It's that time of year again. We set our clocks forward and I am finally going to update our blog! With my new church responsibilities, I have found very little spare time. Unfortunately, the blog has been neglected. So, here is what we have been up to!

One Rough Winter
This winter has been a rough one for our family. It seems like we have been sick since October. Wait, we have been sick since October. Kelsie, Jackson, and Chloe have each spent more than their fair share of time (and money!) at the doctor's office. Between the 3 of them, they have had 9 ear infections and 9 rounds of antibiotics. Poor Jackson even suffered a ruptured ear drum and spent a week saying "What?" and "Huh?" a little more frequently than he usually does. We have now instituted strict hand-washing policies in our home, "lysol"ed every surface, and feel optimistic for a healthy spring. (If only we didn't have all those allergies!) Actually, we can't complain too much--we have had minor colds and for the most part are healthy!

Christmas Eve in Texas
This year we decided it is much easier for Santa to deliver our gifts to our home in Texas, so we spent our very first Christmas Eve away from our families. We had a small Christmas Eve dinner and our own little talent show and nativity. Even though I was a little sad that we were away from family, I enjoyed our first Christmas Eve here, especially when our kids were asleep by 9:00! (I guess we're just not as fun and exciting as the Burton's, Miyasaki's, or Wallace's!)

Christmas at Home
We had a picture-perfect Christmas! The kids got exactly what they wanted (not too hard when you want everything!) and then we got on an airplane and flew home to Utah. We were hoping for a white Christmas and we got it (as well as a white New Year's and every day in between!) By the time we left I was tired of being cold and wet and having to wear shoes, socks, and a coat and looked forward to the warm weather of Texas. We had such a great time eating at our favorite places (Cafe Rio, Mom's house, Suehiro, Training Table, etc.) and spending time with family. I love going home and feeling like we never left! All of the cousins just pick right back up where they left off and I will always cherish sitting around the kitchen table and laughing with my sisters. We spent a wonderful day with all of the Wallace's at the Discovery Museum and dinner at the Spaghetti Factory.

Back "Home"
Our vacation passed too quickly and we had to return "home" to Texas. It never gets easier to say goodbye, but we were so grateful that we could spend the holidays with family and friends that we miss so much! We arrived home in Texas a little sad, but after sleeping in our own beds, putting our winter coats in the closet, and slipping our sandals back on, we decided that life isn't too bad here.

Kelsie Turns 8

It's hard to believe, but our little Kelsie turned 8 this year and was baptized. Before Kels was born, I was warned about sleepless nights and incessant crying (both baby and me!), but nobody told me how hard it would be to watch her grow up. The day she was baptized was bitter sweet for me. I was overjoyed for her and the decision she was making to follow our Savior. I also realized that eight years have gone by too quickly and that I will have to let her grow up. That's a hard thing to do!

The baptism was absolutely perfect! Kelsie was able to be baptized on the same day as two of her best friends in our ward, which made it even more special. Grandma and Grandpa Wallace, Grandma and Grandpa Miyasaki, Aunt Angie, Natalie, and Aunt Janelle all flew in for the baptism. We had one BIG sleepover at our house and truly enjoyed having everyone stay with us. Kelsie is now officially a member of the Church and has even shared her testimony in sacrament meeting and fasted one meal.

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